Currently unless an xorg.conf with modelines is used a lot of the
qxl supported modes like 1920x1080 are not available, because the xorg
default modelines set does not have modelines for them.

This patch adds code to dynamically generate modelines for all modes
in the qxl mode list, bringing the xorg driver up to par with the windows
driver wrt supported resolutions.

Note that an xorg.conf specifying a large enough virtual screen size is
still needed for resolutions > 1024x768, but one no longer needs to add
modelines in it. This is fixed in my next patch.
 src/qxl_driver.c |   40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/qxl_driver.c b/src/qxl_driver.c
index 36cec6e..6f76689 100644
--- a/src/qxl_driver.c
+++ b/src/qxl_driver.c
@@ -1239,10 +1239,38 @@ qxl_valid_mode(int scrn, DisplayModePtr p, Bool flag, 
int pass)
     return MODE_OK;
+static void qxl_add_mode(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int width, int height, int type)
+    DisplayModePtr mode;
+    /* Skip already present modes */
+    for (mode = pScrn->monitor->Modes; mode; mode = mode->next)
+        if (mode->HDisplay == width && mode->VDisplay == height)
+            return;
+    mode = xnfcalloc(1, sizeof(DisplayModeRec));
+    mode->status = MODE_OK;
+    mode->type = type;
+    mode->HDisplay   = width;
+    mode->HSyncStart = (width * 105 / 100 + 7) & ~7;
+    mode->HSyncEnd   = (width * 115 / 100 + 7) & ~7;
+    mode->HTotal     = (width * 130 / 100 + 7) & ~7;
+    mode->VDisplay   = height;
+    mode->VSyncStart = height + 1;
+    mode->VSyncEnd   = height + 4;
+    mode->VTotal     = height * 1035 / 1000;
+    mode->Clock = mode->HTotal * mode->VTotal * 60 / 1000;
+    mode->Flags = V_NHSYNC | V_PVSYNC;
+    xf86SetModeDefaultName(mode);
+    xf86ModesAdd(pScrn->monitor->Modes, mode);
 static Bool
 qxl_pre_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int flags)
-    int scrnIndex = pScrn->scrnIndex;
+    int i, scrnIndex = pScrn->scrnIndex;
     qxl_screen_t *qxl = NULL;
     ClockRangePtr clockRanges = NULL;
     int *linePitches = NULL;
@@ -1284,7 +1312,7 @@ qxl_pre_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int flags)
     clockRanges = xnfcalloc(sizeof(ClockRange), 1);
     clockRanges->next = NULL;
     clockRanges->minClock = 10000;
-    clockRanges->maxClock = 165000;
+    clockRanges->maxClock = 175000;
     clockRanges->clockIndex = -1;
     clockRanges->interlaceAllowed = clockRanges->doubleScanAllowed = 0;
     clockRanges->ClockMulFactor = clockRanges->ClockDivFactor = 1;
@@ -1292,7 +1320,7 @@ qxl_pre_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int flags)
     /* override QXL monitor stuff */
     if (pScrn->monitor->nHsync <= 0) {
-       pScrn->monitor->hsync[0].lo = 31.5;
+       pScrn->monitor->hsync[0].lo = 29.0;
        pScrn->monitor->hsync[0].hi = 80.0;
        pScrn->monitor->nHsync = 1;
@@ -1307,6 +1335,12 @@ qxl_pre_init(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, int flags)
        pScrn->display->virtualY = 768;
+    /* Add any modes not in xorg's default mode list */
+    for (i = 0; i < qxl->num_modes; i++)
+        if (qxl->modes[i].orientation == 0)
+            qxl_add_mode(pScrn, qxl->modes[i].x_res, qxl->modes[i].y_res,
+                         M_T_DRIVER);
     if (0 >= xf86ValidateModes(pScrn, pScrn->monitor->Modes,
                               pScrn->display->modes, clockRanges, linePitches,
                               128, 2048, 128 * 4, 128, 2048,

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