An updated resolution for consideration at tomorrow's meeting is below:

Resolution 2022-05-09.mcs.1:
Updated SPI Financial Account Resolution


1. SPI's financial accounts should have accurate signatories.
2. SPI's banking and financial needs may change from time to time.


1. The Treasurer or President is authorized to open new checking,
   savings, and other accounts for Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
   (SPI) at additional financial institutions (or those with which SPI
   already does business) to meet the financial needs of SPI. Accounts
   may also be closed as needed to meet the financial needs of SPI.
2. The signatories on SPI accounts will include the following where
   permitted by law or financial institution policy:
   * Michael Schultheiss (President)
   * Stephen Frost (Vice President)
   * Héctor Orón Martínez (Treasurer)
3. If a financial institution requires United States citizenship,
   the signatories shall include:
   * Michael Schultheiss (President)
   * Stephen Frost (Vice President)
4. All signatories not listed in this resolution or its successors
   should be removed from SPI financial accounts.

On Fri, May 6, 2022 at 8:22 AM Michael Schultheiss <>

> I propose the following resolution for the 2022-05-09 SPI board meeting:
> Resolution 2022-05-09.mcs.1:
> Updated SPI Financial Account Resolution
> 1. SPI's financial accounts should have accurate signatories.
> 2. SPI's banking and financial needs may change from time to time.
> 1. The Treasurer or President is authorized to open new checking,
>    savings, and other accounts for Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
>    (SPI) at additional financial institutions (or those with which SPI
>    already does business) to meet the financial needs of SPI.
> 2. The signatories on SPI accounts will include the following where
>    permitted by law or financial institution policy:
>    * Michael Schultheiss (President)
>    * Stephen Frost (Vice President)
>    * Héctor Orón Martínez (Treasurer)
> 3. If a financial institution requires United States citizenship,
>    the signatories shall include:
>    * Michael Schultheiss (President)
>    * Stephen Frost (Vice President)
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