On Sat, 27 Mar 2021, Philippe Cloutier wrote:
I am sorry to inform you that the spi-general mailing list has visibly been
unreachable, for at least 40 hours. I personally sent a mail to
spi-general@lists.spi-inc.org titled "Issue #16: Vague contact information
for Open Voting Foundation associated project" on 2021-03-25. Yet, the latest
mail to have gone through spi-general is Martin Michlmayr's message from
2021-01-21 07:37:03 UTC: http://lists.spi-inc.org/pipermail/spi-general/
I received your email previous email (Issue #16) Philippe. Notably I
received this email (Issue #17) through spi-general too, even though I'm
on two of those lists and dedupe email.
Spi-general mailing list