
* Lyude Paul ( wrote:
> Hi, adopted a Code of Conduct a while ago. We haven't had to have an
> external entity handle things, so long as the people on the CoC team are not 
> in
> positions like being secretary (where there could be a conflict of interest 
> as a
> result). We also have members of the Code of Conduct team and the board go
> through CoC training courtesy of:
> As well our CoC is here:


> I'm a little surprised by some projects here mentioning that OSS communities
> have no place handling a Code of Conduct, this was never even mentioned as
> something to worry about during my training.

Please note that the post to this mailing list which you're alluding to
here was absolutely not from the PostgreSQL project, nor does the
PostgreSQL project feel that way as clearly demonstrated by our existing
CoC, which shows that we do handle the CoC (and, as a member of that
community, in my view the PG project does a good job at it).  The
official PG CoC can be seen here:

Individuals are welcome to express their opinions on this public mailing
list, provided that they're respectful, but I would ask everyone to
please make sure you are not seen as speaking for a project when you are
actually voicing your own personal opinions.  If you are, indeed,
speaking on behalf of a project, please also make that clear, to
hopefully avoid such confusion in the future.



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