In preparation for the external audit for 2019, I made a number of
(minor) changes to the 2019 books, i.e. compared to the reports we
published previously:

# Changes to the 2019 reports

* In the October report, $472.00 expenses for SPI were classified as 
accommodation but should be legal expenses.
* From July to November, a very small transaction each month (<$1) was 
misclassified as a bank expense for SPI whereas it should have been an IT 
hosting expense for Chakra.
* One expense was changed from `Expenses:Travel:Dining` to 
`Expenses:Conferences:Dining`.  The former is used for food during travel 
(including travel to conferences) and the latter for food provided by 
conferences organzed by SPI projects (but sometimes the distinction is a bit 
* $200 was booked against `debconf19` instead of `debconf17`.
* Some OpenEmbedded conference registration fees were shown as donations 
instead of registration fees.
* The initial fund transfer from OpenSAF was sent to the SPI general fund by 
mistake.  We make an adjustment to allocate the funds to OpenSAF.
* A check was posted on 2019-11-15 to pay for CHAR500 filing fees.  
Unfortunately this was not recorded.
* Fix rounding of SPI 5% for PayPal and Click & Pledge (a 1 cent difference in 
some cases)
* Fix SPI 5% in two cases (less than $0.25 difference) has up-to-date reports.

Martin Michlmayr
Contractor, Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
Spi-general mailing list

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