
Thanks for your note; it sounds like the board is on top of things.  I
think we all agree that it's totally up to Jenkins-the-project to
decide which organization will hold their assets and provide other
legal services.

I've just seen past cases where software engineers fail to understand
how much work and real value organizations which provide these sorts
of legal services, whether it's organizations like SPI, SFLC's FSSN,
the LF's new CDF, which do this as a public service --- or for-profit
companies, like Association Headquarters, which provides these
services to not-for-profit organizations and would-be non-profit
organizations for a very tidy sum.  It's really easy to take such
efforts for granted, and assume that it's trivial compared to, say,
writing a design document for a new feature in your favoriate free
software project of your choice. :-)

In any case, since I've not said this recently, we should all very
much give thanks to all of the volunteers who work on the SPI.  It's a
very valuable thing that you do, and I know that it's not always fun,
and it's not always easy.


                                                - Ted

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