On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 03:12:59PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2018 at 11:17:25AM +0100, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> > https://git.spi-inc.org/gitweb/?p=members.git;a=summary
> FWIW, I couldn't clone from any of the URLs mentioned here. The git://
> protocol one fails with "fatal: Could not read from remote repository.";
> the ssh:// with "R access for members DENIED to zack".

Hmmmm. Out of my control; I have no access to the SPI infrastructure
other than as a user. Perhaps one of the admin team can fix up the
gitweb links?

> > https://gitlab.com/noodles/spi-members
> I did manage to retrieve the code from here.
> So please find attached a patch that might make it easier in the future
> to find the source code and propose patches, rather than sending bug
> reports to this list.
> Note that:
> 1) the source code pointer I'm giving in the patch might be wrong, as it
>    points to git.spi-inc.org which, as mentioned above, didn't work for
>    me. (Arguably, the right fix is making it work, though, rather than
>    pointing to a different place for retrieving source code.)
> 2) it'd be nice to also mention where patches should be sent. I didn't
>    do so, because I don't know where you want to receive them. (I'm
>    guessing GitLab merge request on your own personal repo is not the
>    right place where to point people.)

Thanks. I've applied your patch as it is and added the official +
unofficial links into the README. Email to webmaster@ is probably the
best place (or here on spi-general), but if it makes the difference
between someone contributing and not I'm happy to pay attention to PRs
on GitHub + Gitlab.


Revd Jonathan McDowell, ULC | It's deja-vu all over again.

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