On 07/12/2018 11:14 AM, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
* Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> [2018-07-12 19:14]:
I'd like to propose the following resolution for the August meeting:

Resolution 2018-07-11.mm.1: Arch Linux 32 as associated project


1. Arch Linux 32 is a substantial and significant Free Software project.

What's "Arch Linux 32"?  What's its relationship with Arch Linux?
My understanding is that Arch Linux 32 is a completely independent
effort from Arch Linux.  However, I confirmed with Aaron from Arch
Linux that they are fine with their trademark being used that way.

I think it would be good to have a link to the trademark policy, perhaps even in the resolution. It isn't like we haven't heard of FOSS projects getting a little touchy after the fact.


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