Thank you Martin and Josh,
I was not thinking about contractors, but I agree that it would make
sense to also have a list of contractors and suppliers in general.
There are surely suppliers not significant enough to document, and
there could be employees not significant enough to document. It would
be good to list all full-time employees, and at least all equally
important suppliers.

2017-10-23 4:13 GMT-04:00 Martin Michlmayr <>:
> * Josh berkus <> [2017-10-22 12:10]:
>> I think we have a contract accountant, and a contract lawyer.  There
>> might be a bookkeeping service?  Everyone else, as far as I know, are
>> volunteers.
> We have a contractor who helps triage reimbursements.  This started
> with the DebConf17 reimbursements and will be expanded.  We also
> discussed that she can process some payments in the future.
> We receive legal services for free through SFLC.
> --
> Martin Michlmayr
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