2016-08-14 11:05 GMT-04:00 Filipus Klutiero <chea...@gmail.com>:
> The way one can contribute to SPI's website is explained on
> http://www.spi-inc.org/ :
> [...]
> Wikis often use an engine-specific markup language to store page contents.
> One wiki engine which does that and whose language already benefits from an
> important diffusion among potential contributors is MediaWiki. MediaWiki
> allows contributors to propose a new version of a page which then needs to
> be approved before publication, but only with the FlaggedRevs extension.
> MediaWiki is unfortunately not in Debian testing currently.

MediaWiki is back in testing, and even back in Debian stable, though
only version 1.27, released on 2016-06-28.

That being said, I have had to do some engine administration on
MediaWiki 1.27 since, and I should say it was fairly complicated to
configure it for a typical case (no anonymous access to any page
except viewing the homepage, confirmation required after

Probably not a significant cost for SPI, but the product may not be
that mature yet, or it really doesn't do much to serve needs other
than Wikimedia's.

> [...]
> --
> Filipus Klutiero
> http://www.philippecloutier.com
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