On 8 March 2017 at 18:09, Josh berkus <j...@postgresql.org> wrote:
>> 7. Specifically, the algorithm to be used is that specified in
>>    Rules 45-52 of the Scottish Local Government Elections Order
>>    2007 (a UK Statutory Instrument):
>> http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2007/42/schedule/1/part/III/crossheading/counting-of-votes/made
>> 8. The practical implementation will be by means of software; for
>>    example, perhaps the openstv package in Debian.  The choice of
>>    software is up to the Secretary.  However, any differences between
>>    the Rules in the Order, and whatever software implementation is
>>    chosen, are to be resolved in favour of the Rules.
> What the heck does that last sentence mean?

I came up with two versions to respond to your question:

"It means if we fail to implement the Scottish STV correctly, the
Scottish STV should be the correct result; rather than the result of
our homegrown implementation."

alternative phrasing

"If what we calculate using whatever means we choose is different to
what can be calculated using Rules 45-52 of the Scottish Local
Government Elections Order 2007 (a UK Statutory Instrument), the
latter result shall prevail."


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