Jonathan McDowell writes ("Re: 2017 update to the SPI voting algorithm for Board elections"): > (I have re-ordered this reply to try and cover the issues relating > directly to the wording of the resolution first, and moving the less > time critical discussion about implementation to the end.)
Thanks. > > Let me try a different wording for that paragraph. How about this: > > > > 7. The practical implementation will be by means of software; for > > example, perhaps the openstv package in Debian. The choice of > > software is up to the Secretary. However, any differences between > > the Rules in the Order, and whatever software implementation is > > chosen, are to be resolved in favour of the Rules. > > > > I do think it is important to declare that it is the prose rules which > > definitive, not the software. > > I think that's a much better wording for the paragraph. I agree we want > the Order to be the authoritative version of the rules implemented. OK. > > What do you think of another paragraph like this: > > > > The Secretary's current practice is to privately issue each voter > > with a private token, by construction verifiably distinct from ... > I'm not really sure it adds anything to the matter at hand. It seems to > only be documenting the current practice? Yes. If you don't think it's worthwhile I'll drop it. > [Implementation discussion] ... > I think that's very much a measure of last resort; a programmatic > interface to the Python modules involved would seem a much more robust > solution. From a deployment perspective the Debian package annoyingly > pulls in wx and all its associated dependencies, but that can be worked > around. Hrm. > I agree the inputs are under tight control of the membership system but > I'm less worried about the security than the reliability of the > implementation; is there confidence that OpenSTV has been deployed for > use in Scottish STV and found to be reliable? I don't think we want to > run a couple of elections and then discover that we've been using a > buggy implementation and have to figure out how to fix it ourselves. Yes. Well. I wrote my own implementation of the Scottish STV rules, based on the Order, and fed a couple of existing SPI tally sheets into both my ad-hoc reimplementation, and Debian's openstv. I arranged for my program to generate output which could be compared to that from openstv. The results were identical. Obviously this is not a complete test but I am willing to tart up my software if you like, so we can have two implementations and see if they agree. > (It would be nice if the Scottish local election voting data was > available to provide a suitable set of test vectors, but I couldn't > even find any alternative sources of such test data.) There was test data for the software used for the Scottish system: I have sent two FOI requests to see if the Scottish Executive and/or the Electoral Commission have it. Thanks, Ian. _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list