On 12/07/2016 10:27 AM, Josh berkus wrote:
> On 12/07/2016 09:23 AM, Bill Kendrick wrote:
>> As Tux Paint is a completely offline program, with no network
>> capabilities at this time -- at least in the Desktop version
>> (other Tux Paint devs, remind me: what do the Android and iOS
>> versions do, if anything, online?) -- and as the tuxpaint.org
>> website does not have any kind of user accounting (login, forums,
>> cloud storage, etc.), this has never seemed necessary. [*]
> Then that's your privacy policy:
> "The Tux Paint website does not collect or store any user-identifying
> information.  The Tux Paint program does not communicate any user
> information online."

BTW, I think the reason folks are asking is because K-12 staff are
required to check privacy info for anything kids use.

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