Hi Josh,
On 2016-11-16 14:03, Josh berkus wrote:
One chronic problem we have had with the SPI Board is failure to attend
meetings causing board meetings to be recessed due to lack of quorum.
As such, I would like to see some reference to a Board Attendence Policy
in the new bylaws, e.g.:
"The Board shall adopt a Board Meeting attendence policy which will
require sitting board members to attend the majority of Board meetings
in each year. Violation of this policy will cause the immediate removal
of the board member with replacement per Section 7."
I do not think setting an arbitrary threshold is a good idea. Board attendance
is one component of a member's value.
I do not know this issue's importance. If the frequency of quorum issues is
abnormally high, the issue may be in these meetings or in board composition.
From the way you describe the board attendance issue, I suspect quorum may be
excessively high.
If you are convinced the issue is mostly one of board composition, I would
recommend to start by facilitating the process of selecting members, by
providing data on past attendance, at least for candidates who have already
been members of the board.
If we manage to collect such data, if the issue persists after the board is
elected with access to attendance statistics, and if these statistics show
abnormally low attendance and variability among members, then I would consider
more drastic solutions.
Filipus Klutiero
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