On 11/17/2016 11:27 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> On 11/17/2016 10:59 AM, Josh berkus wrote:
>> That's not relevant to why we need an admin.  Nor has anyone suggested
>> hiring a fundraiser.
>> SPI is at this point a $500K organization.  It is downright
>> irresponsible of us not to have paid staff to handle the paperwork.
>> Sooner or later, we will miss some important piece of paperwork and get
>> disaccredited.
> Correct, which is why I am an advocate of paid officers. I am not
> opposed to office staff either of course, but if we pay staff, at a
> minimum we must pay who manages that staff.

Do we have officers who could spend more time on SPI if they were paid
to do so?

--Josh Berkus

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