Hey folks!

PgConf.US is looking for community booths. We have limited space for about a dozen. It is taking place in NYC this year from April 18th-20th. Is any community on this list interested? Here is the standard email:


I am one of the organizers of http://www.pgconf.us/ , a 501c3 Conference. The 2016 version is happening April 18-20th at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott and we are expecting at least 500 PostgreSQL community members. In the interest of Open Source collaboration we would like to invite ~ 12 community projects to attend and have a table in our exhibition hall. Further, the party on the 19th is open to all, door fee of 20.00 for non conference attendees. We are hoping to drive it up to a 1000 person social!

The details are as follows:

* 5 foot table (free) in community pavilion
* 10% discount code for conference to help you promote your community attendance.
* 5 free full admission passes (including party, not including training)

Party link: http://www.meetup.com/postgresql-3/events/229101241/
Conference link: http://www.pgconf.us/

Is this something your community would be interested in?


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