I probably have some useful expertise to share on this thread, speaking less as a mundane SPI member, but more from my day-job at Conservancy.
Conservancy and SPI are very close in the core of what we do, although we do it very differently (which is good -- it gives projects two very different options for similar services). Conservancy does a *lot* for our member projects (what SPI calls associated projects), including helping them fundraise. Thus, we have a good sense of what projects can typically raise. Some of our projects raise a lot of money each year ("lot" is of course relative, but a lot compared to the throughput of the average SPI or Conservancy project). We take 10% of donated funds to our general fund, as opposed to SPI's 5%. Even so, Conservancy's annual budgeted amount is only about $40k from that revenue source. That's barely enough for one low-level staffer in the USA, esp. when you factor in benefits. I admit that in the mid-200s, we initially thought the 10% would ultimately cover staffing Conservancy, because we hoped project would raise millions, and there'd be enough to run Conservancy. Ultimately, there just isn't that much money in community-oriented Free Software projects. That's not a bad thing of course -- Free Software projects are great at doing a lot with just a little moeny -- but it informs this decision SPI is trying to make: Ultimately, I suspect SPI will never raise enough from 5-10% from your associated project donations to fund the administration work for the project. Thus, you *will* need to seek outside funding, one way or another as a long term solution. (BTW, as a short term solution, Conservancy is already in discussions with various executives of SPI in the hopes that we can share more of our know-how and resources to ease SPI's administrative burden. I hope those talks will be fruitful, and Conservancy is excited to help bolster SPI a bit if we can.) But, as it stands, SPI should start thinking now about how it's going to raise enough funds to at least get one staffer long-term to handle administrative work. Finally, it probably sounds like I'm arguing that SPI shouldn't fundraise for its projects -- but I'm not arguing least. Rather, what I'm arguing is that you might want to consider doing what Conservancy does: Generally speaking, Conservancy encourages our projects to put up donation mechanisms for themselves on their own websites, but Conservancy's own fundraising on its own website is generally just for Conservancy's general fund, with a small comment indicating that donation buttons for member projects can be found on those projects' websites. e.g.: https://sfconservancy.org/donate/ I think it's a reasonable compromise for SPI too. It seems not too far off either from what's already being done at http://spi-inc.org/donations/ ... the addition would be giving associated projects buttons to use that auto-direct to their project. -- -- bkuhn _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list Spi-general@lists.spi-inc.org http://lists.spi-inc.org/listinfo/spi-general