Totte, > How do you feel about campaigns such as >, which would seem to be backed by > (amongst others) EFF and Mozilla?
Well, neither the EFF nor Mozilla are affiliated projects, so I don't think SPI has an opinion. For that matter, if an affiliated project is using contributor time, but not money or resources held by SPI, we're simply not involved; we don't govern your project, and we're not responsible for anything you do outside of the use of SPI resources. This means that if you want to organize members of your affiliated project to participate in that campaign, SPI is simply not involved. Now, if you wanted to use funds held at SPI for something like that campaign, we'd have to answer two questions: 1. can we legally participate in that political activity as a 501(c)3? (the answer is often no) 2. is it within our mission statement? In general, SPI funds/resources can only be used to support non-lobbying, non-electoral campaigns which relate directly and unarguably to the mission of promoting and developing free software. And the Board would need to approve each such expenditure, since we risk our 501(c)3 accredidation if we make a mistake. So, in the particular case of, in my personal opinion (pending Board/counsel confirmation), it would not be appropriate to use SPI resources, since while the campaign is neither electoral nor lobbying, it is also outside of the strict definition of SPI's mission. That campaign *is* within Mozilla's mission, which is why can officially participate. That being said, I personally plan to send out a flurry of efaxes from the airplane I'll be on tommorrow ... --Josh Berkus _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list