
As previously discussed on the thread "Re: Proposed: Funding Open Source
Accounting software".  Note that, at this point, our grant might make
the difference between the project getting funded or not.


Proposed: that SPI make a grant to Software Freedom Conservancy of
$10,000, in order to fund work on open source accounting software.  That
this grant come with a letter with the following text:

"This amount is a grant from Software in the Public Interest to the
Software Freedom Conservancy for the purposes of development and
enhancement of free and open source software to perform accounting
and/or bookkeeping for non-profit organizations.  If the Software
Freedom Conservancy is unable to use the full amount in pursuit of
this goal within two years of receipt, any remainder will be
refunded to Software in the Public Interest."

This grant will be paid out of SPI general funds.


A couple of notes:

(1) due to a schedule conflict, I will NOT be able to attend the board
meeting myself.

(2) currently the SPI general fund has over $50,000.

(3) having new software would make both the Treasurer and the assistant
treasurer more efficient and more responsive to project's fund
accounting needs.

--Josh Berkus
Spi-general mailing list

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