Jonathan, please add this resolution to the September meeting agenda.

Resolution drafted following a recent request to SPI from the DPL.

2012-09-07.rtb.1: Relicensing Debian Logos


1) The Debian Project Leader, Stefano Zacchiroli, has requested that SPI relicense the Debian logos listed in paragraph 5 below to meet the Debian Free Software Guidelines.

2) The Debian Project Leader, has sought and obtained legal advice on relicensing the Debian logos and has presented this advice to the Board.

3) The Debian Project lists and depicts each of its logos at


4) Resolution 2008-03-19.jrk.2 is repealed.

5) The Debian logos being relicensed are:

  a) The Debian Open Use Logo depicting a red swirl with the word "Debian"

  b) The Debian Open Use Logo depicting a red swirl without the word "Debian"

6) The Debian logos listed in paragraph 5 above are relicensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3 or later, or, at the recipient's option, Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike License (CC-BY-SA) 3.0.

7) Any use of the term "software" or "library" within any of the licenses mentioned in paragraph 6 above shall refer to the logo itself.
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