Robert Brockway <> wrote:

> Hi all.  I'd like to get feed back on adding additional information to
> the project pages.  Specifically I'd like to add:
> * SPI services that the project is actively using and any that it has 
> declined to use (some projects have declined to accept donations via
> SPI).

I think a complete list of services SPI is currently providing
and instructions how a project can apply for them would be useful,

Maybe something like this is already available and I'm
just not aware of it?

> * The name of the current project liaison (but not any contact details, 
> for privacy).

Are there any liaisons whose email address isn't publicly
available on the associated project's website (or the net
in general) anyway?

> * How the project liaison is selected/elected, with links where relevant.
> * Anything unusual or notable about the arrangement with SPI (eg, for 
> OpenVAS, 2 of 3 designated decision makers must agree before they speak
> as the project liaison).
> This would have a number of advantages:
> * It would be a useful reference for SPI board and committee members
> when dealing with projects.
> * It would be a useful reference for project members in understanding
> what services SPI is delivering to them and who their liaison is.



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