HIGHLIGHTS 1. Opening 21:00:06 <Hydroxide> This meeting of the Board of Directors of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Is now called to order. Board members, please state your name for the record. Others who wish to be recorded as attending,
2. Roll call 21:00:10 <cdlu> David Graham (semi-present in the UK) 21:00:13 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss 21:00:13 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz 21:02:06 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas 21:02:10 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert 21:06:30 <luk> Luk Claes 3. President's report 21:06:46 <Hydroxide> moving on. no president's report today. 4. Treasurer's report 21:07:25 <schultmc> This is a fairly standard report - most of April's donations were deposited in May and are reflected here The negative balance for The HeliOS project is due to a quirk in our accounting method - had we used accrual based accounting their balance would not be negative I don't have an exact figure [for how much of debian's Assets are reserved for Debconf] 5. Secretary's report 21:13:44 <Hydroxide> OSUNIX is at an earlier stage in the process of possibly joining (pending legal advice) the Open64 one is the only one that has had an official application started, and the other one is pending legal advice pre-application, hence my choice of which to mention in the report I'll probably email the membership about both projects soon in the interest of not letting the legal advice delay the process for either project more than necessary though I'll ask the membership to not try to armchair-lawyer the issue we're asking the lawyers about, and to confine their comments to other topics. 6. Outstanding minutes 21:18:10 <Hydroxide> the april one was only amended to say that the seecond vote approved the March 2009 minutes instead of the January 2009 minutes. just the title of the vote changed. I verified that this was correct in the logs. can we have unanimous consent to accept that change? 21:20:08 <Hydroxide> voting results for "May 20th minutes": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 1, Missing: 0 () 7. Items up for discussion 21:20:16 <Hydroxide> no items in the discussion section. 8. Any other business 21:21:37 <schultmc> I haven't dealt with the voting app. I can help look into it but Maulkin or luk may know more about it. I'll see what I can find out in the meantime though 21:26:01 <codestr0m> well I won't delay the board so much, but any questions about open64 are welcomed here or offline. I hope by next meeting that will be an approved project 21:27:11 <Hydroxide> ok. every board member should have his email address in their board inbox from his open64 application email or talk to him on IRC 9 Next board meeting 21:31:13 <Hydroxide> ok. I move that we set the next board meeting, i.e. the annual board meeting, to occur at 2000 UTC on July 8th that will avoid conflicts with Canada Day and travel to DebCamp and be on the same day of the week TIMED LOG 21:00:04 <Hydroxide> *GAVEL* 21:00:06 <Hydroxide> This meeting of the Board of Directors of Software in the Public Interest, Inc. Is now called to order. Board members, please state your name for the record. Others who wish to be recorded as attending, 21:00:10 <cdlu> David Graham (semi-present in the UK) 21:00:10 <Hydroxide> please /msg me your name. 21:00:13 <slef> stability -> 0 this evening 21:00:13 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss 21:00:13 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz 21:01:24 <Hydroxide> bdale, Ganneff, luk, zobel, Maulkin: ping 21:01:33 <Hydroxide> can someone call any of them or linuxpoet? 21:01:38 <Hydroxide> I don't have the relevant phone numbers 21:01:51 <Hydroxide> I know zobel was just here 21:01:53 <schultmc> I can call linuxpoet 21:01:55 <Hydroxide> schultmc: thans 21:02:06 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas 21:02:10 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert 21:02:22 <Hydroxide> we need one more, right? 21:03:16 <Hydroxide> everyone who's waiting, please read the minutes and/or treasurer's report :) 21:03:23 <zobel> should i give luk a phone call? 21:03:28 <Hydroxide> zobel: would help, yes 21:03:45 <schultmc> Hydroxide: left linuxpoet a message 21:03:57 * Hydroxide just fixed the typo in the balance sheet title line (s/April 30/May 31/) 21:05:23 <zobel> luk will be with us in 2min 21:05:30 <Hydroxide> zobel: wonderful, thanks 21:05:58 <zobel> how much more do we need for quroum? 21:06:05 <Hydroxide> zobel: just him, I think 21:06:24 <Hydroxide> yeah, that's the minimum needed 21:06:24 <luk> hi 21:06:26 <luk> sorry 21:06:30 <luk> Luk Claes 21:06:33 <Hydroxide> great 21:06:38 <zobel> quorum! 21:06:46 <Hydroxide> moving on. no president's report today. 21:06:57 <Hydroxide> schultmc: treasurer's report. you're up. 21:07:25 <schultmc> This is a fairly standard report - most of April's donations were deposited in May and are reflected here 21:07:57 <schultmc> The negative balance for The HeliOS project is due to a quirk in our accounting method - had we used accrual based accounting their balance would not be negative 21:08:00 <schultmc> </done> 21:08:24 <zobel> schultmc: do you know how much of debian's Assets are reserved for Debconf? 21:08:28 <Hydroxide> schultmc: can we either move to a standard cash-basis accounting method without the quirk about deposit timing or else accrual? 21:08:40 <Hydroxide> (my fault for the quirk being there in the first place) 21:08:48 <schultmc> Hydroxide: this is standard cash basis 21:09:00 <schultmc> the quirk is due to how cash basis works 21:09:17 <Hydroxide> schultmc: at least according to irs.gov (which might be nonstandard I admit), cash-basis accounting says that you recognize a check when you receive the check, even if you delay depositing it 21:09:42 <Hydroxide> schultmc: as distinct from accrual, where you recognize it when you earn the check 21:09:44 <schultmc> Hydroxide: those dates are essentially the same for our purpose (or one day off) 21:09:54 <Hydroxide> schultmc: it mattered for last month's report 21:10:10 <schultmc> zobel: roughly, yes - I don't have an exact figure 21:10:33 <Hydroxide> anyway, if you want to switch to accrual, that would be fine too. it'd just be nice not to have a nonstandard accounting method. 21:10:33 <schultmc> zobel: roughly USD 36k 21:10:50 <Hydroxide> (which, again, is my own fault) 21:11:19 <Hydroxide> any other thoughts or should we move on? 21:11:29 <zobel> go on. 21:11:32 <luk> I think both the current cash based accounting 21:11:41 <luk> as well as the accrual method would be fine 21:11:53 <luk> s/would be/are/ 21:11:55 <Hydroxide> ok. this doesn't need to take any more of the meeting time. it can be discussed elsewhere. 21:12:07 <Hydroxide> moving on. my secretary's report is in the agenda. any questions? 21:12:30 <luk> Maulkin asked to mention the 2 questions from Debian 21:12:38 <luk> no? 21:12:42 <Hydroxide> luk: that's unrelated to what the secretary's report is about 21:12:49 <Hydroxide> luk: it was in relation to a lawyer conversation about another matter 21:12:59 <Hydroxide> luk: not related to this meeting 21:13:21 <luk> ah, ok misinterpreted that 21:13:22 <schultmc> Hydroxide: is Open64 different from codestr0m's project? 21:13:35 <luk> yes 21:13:44 <Hydroxide> schultmc: no, but he's involved with two projects. it's different from OSUNIX, which is at an earlier stage in the process of possibly joining 21:13:45 <codestr0m> schultmc: I'm technically going to apply on behalf of two projects.. open64 and osunix 21:13:48 <Hydroxide> (pending legal advice) 21:13:53 <schultmc> ah 21:14:04 * schultmc was confused since I had only heard OSUNIX mentioned 21:14:18 <Hydroxide> schultmc: you're not reading your board mail or this IRC channel backlog then :) 21:14:36 <schultmc> Hydroxide: sure I do - I must have forgotten :) 21:14:50 <Hydroxide> the Open64 one is the only one that has had an official application started, and the other one is pending legal advice pre-application, hence my choice of which to mention 21:14:53 <Hydroxide> in the report 21:15:04 <schultmc> understood 21:15:26 <Hydroxide> I'll probably email the membership about both projects soon in the interest of not letting the legal advice delay the process for either project more than necessary 21:15:54 <Hydroxide> though I'll ask the membership to not try to armchair-lawyer the issue we're asking the lawyers about, and to confine their comments to other topics 21:15:58 <Hydroxide> anyway, ready to move on? 21:16:00 <luk> which point handles about the upcoming election btw? 21:16:14 <Hydroxide> luk: ah, good point, it's not in the agenda - we can address it briefly in AOB 21:16:32 <luk> ok 21:16:33 <zobel> can we go on with the agenda? 21:16:34 <Hydroxide> moving on 21:16:48 <Hydroxide> outstanding minutes. zobel, any movement on the three from neil's term which you agreed to prepare? 21:17:19 <zobel> no, but i hope to find time during debcamp. 21:17:28 <Hydroxide> ok. so then by the august meeting? 21:17:29 <zobel> prod me hard there. 21:17:34 <Hydroxide> zobel: I will :) 21:17:36 <Hydroxide> I'll be there 21:17:47 <Hydroxide> as for my minutes 21:17:55 <zobel> currently real life is to busy and sucks... 21:18:10 <Hydroxide> the april one was only amended to say that the seecond vote approved the March 2009 minutes instead of the January 2009 minutes. just the title of the vote changed 21:18:21 <Hydroxide> I verified that this was correct in the logs. can we have unanimous consent to accept that change? 21:18:38 <cdlu> sure 21:18:40 <luk> yes 21:18:42 <schultmc> yes 21:18:53 <Ganneff> go 21:18:54 <Hydroxide> ok 21:19:05 <Hydroxide> that's effectively a vote there, or very nearly :) 21:19:08 <Hydroxide> may 20th minutes 21:19:10 <Hydroxide> ready to approve? 21:19:16 <Ganneff> go 21:19:19 <schultmc> yes 21:19:30 <cdlu> ya 21:19:36 <Hydroxide> Voting started, 6 people (hydroxide,cdlu,schultmc,luk,zobel,ganneff) allowed to vote on May 20th minutes. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 21:19:36 <cdlu> they're not too complex :) 21:19:39 <cdlu> !vote yers 21:19:39 <luk> !vote yes 21:19:41 <cdlu> !vote yes 21:19:41 <Ganneff> !vote yes 21:19:42 <Hydroxide> !vote yes 21:19:42 <schultmc> !vote yes 21:19:58 <Hydroxide> zobel: ping 21:20:01 <zobel> !vote abstain 21:20:08 <Hydroxide> Current voting results for "May 20th minutes": Yes: 5, No: 0, Abstain: 1, Missing: 0 () 21:20:11 <Hydroxide> Voting for "May 20th minutes" closed. 21:20:13 <Hydroxide> approved 21:20:16 <Hydroxide> no items in the discussion section. 21:20:21 <Hydroxide> Any other business... let's start with the elections 21:20:42 <Hydroxide> schultmc, luk: this is my responsibility, but part of that is checking with membership ctte to make sure the membership rolls are ready for the election. is that the case? 21:21:00 <schultmc> Hydroxide: yes 21:21:12 <Hydroxide> schultmc: is the webapp ready enough, or will it be by july 1st? 21:21:37 <schultmc> Hydroxide: I haven't dealt with the voting app 21:21:54 <luk> I think everyone hopes Maulkin will take care of it :-) 21:21:57 <schultmc> I can help look into it but Maulkin or luk may know more about it 21:21:59 <Hydroxide> schultmc: actually, it just needs to be ready by july 13th since nominations are the only thing before then 21:22:44 <schultmc> Hydroxide: ping Maulkin - I'll see what I can find out in the meantime though 21:22:58 <Hydroxide> schultmc: ok, we'll take this offline. I'll send an email announcement about the election within the next few days 21:23:31 <Hydroxide> any other business before we set next meeting date? (about which we'll need to deviate from the agenda because of the annual meeting) 21:23:39 * codestr0m wonders if I should speak up 21:23:54 <Ganneff> codestr0m: usually its limited to board 21:24:36 <Hydroxide> codestr0m: if you have something to say, go ahead 21:24:53 <Hydroxide> Ganneff: or at least without requesting it. I interpreted what he said as a request to speak 21:26:01 <codestr0m> well I won't delay the board so much, but any questions about open64 are welcomed here or offline 21:26:20 <codestr0m> I hope by next meeting that will be an approved project 21:26:34 <Hydroxide> anyone have online questions for codestr0m? 21:26:49 <Hydroxide> or any other business? if not, let's talk about the annual meeting 21:26:52 <luk> not at this moment 21:27:11 <Hydroxide> ok. every board member should have his email address in their board inbox from his open64 application email 21:27:16 <Hydroxide> or talk to him on IRC 21:27:22 <Hydroxide> moving on 21:27:30 <Hydroxide> the annual meeting of the membership is july 1st by our bylaws 21:28:00 <luk> right 21:28:04 <Hydroxide> http://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/by-laws 21:28:27 <zobel> looks okay to my schedule. 21:28:47 <Hydroxide> oh, wow, it can be modified by up to two weeks if such day be a legal holiday. how did we miss that provision before? 21:28:59 <cdlu> Hydroxide, I may not be able to make July 1 on account of it being Canada Day 21:29:19 <Hydroxide> cdlu: see above. did we conclude that the "legal holiday" provision is restricted to US/NY legal holidays? 21:29:20 * cdlu has other volunteer responsibilities on our national holiday 21:29:43 <cdlu> Hydroxide, it's a holiday somewhere pretty much always so I think we should interpret it that way. 21:29:51 <Ganneff> Hydroxide: unless written exactly like that in bylaws we should interpret it to "any legal holidays of a country with a board member" 21:29:59 <Ganneff> :) 21:30:13 * luk agrees with Ganneff 21:30:14 <cdlu> except that it's a membership meeting not a board meeting 21:30:24 <Hydroxide> cdlu: it actually says "annual board meeting" in the by-laws, oddly enough 21:30:32 <cdlu> hydroxide, well then :) 21:30:33 <Hydroxide> cdlu: they're very badly written :) 21:30:43 <slef> Ganneff: exploit, scope: co-option :) 21:30:55 <cdlu> ya, we've been talking about fixing them since before my brother met the girl he just had a kid with... 21:31:13 <Hydroxide> ok. I move that we set the next board meeting, i.e. the annual board meeting, to occur at 2000 UTC on July 8th 21:31:21 <Hydroxide> that will avoid conflicts with Canada Day and travel to DebCamp 21:31:27 <Hydroxide> and be on the same day of the week 21:31:28 <cdlu> suits me 21:31:32 <schultmc> fine with me 21:31:50 <Ganneff> that should work 21:31:55 <Hydroxide> going..... 21:31:58 <luk> I might still be abroad 21:32:00 <Hydroxide> going.... 21:32:04 <luk> or driving home 21:32:11 <Hydroxide> luk: it's ok, we'll manage, either with you electronically or otherwise 21:32:11 <Hydroxide> :) 21:32:13 <zobel> fine with me 21:32:16 <Hydroxide> *GAVEL* Hope that helps, -- MJ Ray (slef) Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small worker cooperative http://www.ttllp.co.uk/ http://mjr.towers.org.uk/ (Notice http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html) tel:+44-844-4437-237 _______________________________________________ Spi-general mailing list Spi-general@lists.spi-inc.org http://lists.spi-inc.org/listinfo/spi-general