Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Meeting log for 2008-09-17"):
> I don't understand why it is important.  Why can the matters raised in
> AOB not be dealt with in an identical way informally or by email to
I should expand on this.
If the only reason why these things need to be talked about on IRC at
the meeting is because that's when everyone is there, then it does not
need to be part of the meeting.

I would have no problem at all if the meeting were to be closed and
then the channel was used for informal discussions of new issues,
working out of details, and so forth.

The purpose of an item being on the meeting's agenda is to our
governance structures of it, record that that has taken place, and to
allow any decisions to be taken.  If there is no need for the board to
be formally notified at that time, and no need for a formal decision
by the board, then there is no need for the business to be formally
part of the meeting.

Of course that will typically mean that the item in question will have
to be properly notified to the board and membership via some other
route.  For example, an email to the lists.

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