MJ Ray writes ("Re: Publically viewable resolutions and increasing the 
visibility of  board activity"):
> Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     by T-5 days: Meeting reminder announcement, sent by email,
> >                  containing complete list of non-emergency business to
> >                  be conducted (NB, _containing_ not _linking to_).
> Ow.  So that's Thursday evening in the current model?  I'd struggle to
> reschedule if I don't know until then that something I want to oversee
> is being discussed.  Please, T-8 (Monday before) at latest.
Oh, and I forgot to say: since motions must be submitted to the public
lists by T-7, you do get some notification.  If you really need to
know by T-7 you just need to catch up on the list by then.

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