Anybody taken a look at the DNS RBL at


This is a highly automated RBL based on some big spamtraps,
featuring no-questions-asked automatic delisting on a IP-by-IP
basis, though an IP gets re-listed if it then sends more
spam to the spamtraps.  Entries time out after a while.

I've been playing around with a .cf containing

header RCVD_IN_CBL     eval:check_rbl('cbl', '')
describe RCVD_IN_CBL   Received from an IP in
tflags RCVD_IN_CBL     net
score RCVD_IN_CBL      0.1

preliminary indication is it fires mostly on mail that's
also in at least one of SpamCop, DNSBL, SORBS, or Dynablock.
It hasn't fired for me so far on anything that came in otherwise
below my second sorting threshold of 13, but for those above
that, it's maybe one more nail in the coffin.


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