Greetings, all.                                                                 
  I'm using Spamassassin 2.63, called from procmail.  I recently tried          
to add my own rules to catch the mangled spellings of [a particular word 
I can't put here else this won't make it to the list -- ironic].  In 
this example, the maked word is 'testing'.

header SUBJ_MASKED_WORD Subject =~ /t([^e]stin|e[^s]tin|es[^t]in|est[^i]n|esti[^n])g/i 
describe SUBJ_MASKED_WORD Subject: contains masked word
score SUBJ_MASKED_WORD 0.1                                                    

The idea was to match this word starting with 't' and ending with 'g', 
with any one character if that word mangled.  However, SA also catches 
the actual non-mangled spelling of 'testing'.  I don't want it to catch 
the actual non-mangled spelling because the stock SA ruleset already 

I'm familiar with perl regexps, and this regexp works in a perl program 
without catching the word 'testing'.  SA seems to be ignoring the NOT 
(^) portion of [^e] (for example), instead matching 'e' instead of not 
matchine 'e'. 

Any ideas what's causing this bahavior and how to correct it?

Jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <=preferred{jdwhite,jdw}
AIM:jdwhite90125  Yahoo:jdwhite89
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