On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 02:00, Simon Byrnand wrote:
> Has anyone else noticed frequent timeouts with Razor2 ?
> I'm seeing timeouts nearly all the time from most of the Razor servers
> causing spamd to take 10 seconds instead of the usual 1 second or so...
> (I've also noticed more spam than usual slipping through)
> Anyone know whats up ? Couldn't see anything about it over on the razor
> homepage or mailing list archives....

I noticed this as well.  I bumped my timeout to 15 seconds and that
helped for awhile, but it's started timing out again.  I hesitate to
bump it any more for obvious reasons.  Wonder what's up?

Just say 'Here' and we will take it to mean 
  'Here I am...rock me like a hurricane.'

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