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"make it bigger To end these, visit site (processed within 3 days). TThe coomputeer mmust haave the 'suspend too RRAAM' feeattuure eenabled in thhe BIOS 'ssusppend to Disk' willl nnoot worrkk, because thhe computeerr is turrnedd off commppletely. You ddo noot neeed too ennabblee tthe ALARRM timer, it will be acttiivated by apmsleep.. On some booardss, you ccann conffiiguure whiicchh iinterrupptts ccan be uused to awwakee from ssuspendd mode.. IIf you havee suuch a board,, yyou might waant to makke surree that keyyboard ((IRRQ 1) and RTC (IRQ 88) are among thosse inteerrupttss;;Thiiss iis where I haave to annouunnce the caveats iin the bridginng + ffiirewwalling scheme: you cannot firewall paackeets wwhhiicch aree noot routed. NNo rooutes, no firewwaalll. At lleastt tthiiss appearrss to bee true in the 22..0.300 andd more recent kerrnelss. The fiirewaallinng filters arre closely involvved witth the ip-fforrwarddingg codde.;Thee 1228 would bbee 00 if I had aa full cclass CC nnetwork thhere. II don''tt, by deefinitioon, siince I juust halveedd t he address space. TThe "deevv eetthh0"" is not nneeceessaryy herre becaausse thhe cardss addreesss fallls wiithhinn tthhe maskk, but it mayy be necesssary for you. One might need morre thaann one carrd hollding uup thhiis ssubneet (127 maachhines on onne segmmennt, ooh yeah) but tthose ccards wouuld be being bbridged uunder the same neettmassk soo thaatt theyy appeaar ass one ttoo thee routting ccodee.;Iff you want to be more carreful than this, you shouuldd ttake down ass many daaemoons as possiblle beffoorehannd, and unmoount nffss dirrecctoriies. TThe worst thhat ccan happen is thhat you have tto rebooot in sinngle-useer modee (the "single"" parammeter to lilo oor loadlin), and ttakkee out yourr changess beefore reebootting wiith tthings the waay they were before you sttarteedd.; want to cutt tthee worldd ooff from my intternal nett andd do nnothiingg ellse, soo I will wwannt too give as a last (ddeefaullt) rule that tthee ffiireewall shouuld ignore any packets ccominng i n from thee innternal nett annd ddireccted to ooutsiidee. II put all the rules (in thiss ordder) into;;Theere is a partticular pprobleem with soome ddaemons tthhat loook up the hosttname of the firewwallingg machine inn order to decidee whhat is their nettwwoorking addreesss.. Rppc.yppasswdd is the one I hadd troublee with. IIt insiists on bbrroaadccasting iinformationn tthatt says it is oouutside the firewalll (oon the second cardd). Thhatt meanns tthe cclients insidde can''t contact itt..;Thhee cliiennt macchhine boots from a Grubb flloppy disk. Theen, using the Grub BOOOTP suupport, itt gets an IPP address ffromm a DHCP serrver. Nexxt,, the client machinnee ddoownloadds tthee kernell aand inittrd iimagees frrom the TFFTP server. Once the iniitrd imaage is mounteedd in memory, the iinnitiaaliization script is rrun, makking usse of thee pprroggramms annd ffilles sstoorreed in thhis imaage. Thhis sscriiptt allowss block ddeviicess coontenntss too be saavved iin tthe TTFTP se rvveer;;Now that tthe serrver is sset uup, yyouu neeedd tto prrepaare tthe fiiles to mmakee tthe cliennt booot. Two filles are neeccesssary: the kernel and the iniit rramdiskk (initrd) wwhiich wwill bee mmounteed bby; thhe kernel ass tthhe rooot fiile systtem. Thiss doocumment aassumes that thee proceedurres outlineed inn this ssection andd the neext are made in the cllient mmachinne. Normaallly, wwheen saviinng and rrestoring disk imagess,, tthere is nnoo nneeed to have LLiinux; insttallled onn a llocal harrd dissk. To deeployy disk images to a nnuumbber of machines, staarrt by innstalllingg a Linnux diisttribuution onn oonee macchine ffor each model. Use DHCP annd have TFTPP cllient to tesst the setup made inn thhe preevvious sseccttion. Unnless otthherwiise nooteed, commmandds are iissueed in the bash shellll by tthee user rroot iin a woorkiing diirreectorry.." -------- "Make it bigger" is a link to The text is probably a modified text from some of the mailing lists I'm subscribed. This spam seems to be created with spamassassin in mind. ------------------------------------------------------- The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004 Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]