Matt Kettler said:
> At 02:39 PM 1/26/04 -0500, Kurt Yoder wrote:
> <snip>
>>body PHISHERMEN /http:\/\/(\w*?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,10}?[^/\s]*?@/
>>score PHISHERMEN 5.0
> <snip>
> Don't use the body ruletype.. SA removes all HTML tags before
> running body.
> Use uri instead of body.

OK. Maybe I'll just put it in place and see what happens.

> It also seems you're just going to catch any URL which has a
> username
> involved, but it's tough for me to follow that regex without
> caffeine...
> Why not just look for the malware codes directly? (ie: the %01)

I can't think of any obvious characteristic outside the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I *could* start it with www,
since phishers are probably more likely to put a www on the front to
have a greater chance of "phooling" people. Maybe I'll try it with
this rule first:

uri PHISHERMEN /http:\/\/www\.(\w*?\.)*[a-zA-Z]{2,10}?[^/\s]*?@/


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