You're asking why would "exotic playthings" or "excellentoffers" be a
spam indicator?   If it gives you FPs, just lower the score in your  Or view the source of the email in question and look at
what's tripping it.  3.0 isn't enough to FP all on its own, after all -
there's some other spamminess occurring also.

uri BigEvilList_72
describe BigEvilList_72 Generated BigEvilList_72
score BigEvilList_72    3.0 


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Paul Barbeau
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 2:02 PM
> To: Spamassassin List
> Subject: [SAtalk] BigEvil PF
> I am getting a lot of BigEvilList_72 
> ( FP as one of my group clients 
> get mail from lawyer that uses this product. Can someone 
> provide some feed back on why this is a rule so insted of 
> just deleting it i know have an educated answer to my client
> Thank
> Paul\

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