Ok, I'm running SA under Alt-N Mdaemon. AFAICT, it's a standard install,
albeit Windows. It's got a Spamassassin.dll file - Is there anywhere to
update this? I did a yahoo /google but turned up blank.

I'd like to add some of the rules that appear here from time to time,
bigevil.cf, etc. 

Looking through the help file:


    The filename to load site-specific spam-identifying rules from.

I don't see a logical place to put this. The ISP I work at WAS using SA
until we outsourced our e-mail, and our SA guru was laid off. Looking
through our install and grepping for .cf, I see:

30_text_fr.cf:# 20_anti_ratware.cf
30_text_fr.cf:# 20_body_tests.cf
30_text_fr.cf:# 20_ratware.cf
30_text_fr.cf:# 23_bayes.cf

The other links are
<filename>.cf:# the next update. Use /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

But we don't have a local.cf.

Where would I add, say big_evil.cf? Are there any other recommended files I
download and install? 

I know i've been lurking here a while and helping out with the occasional
"Please RTFM, SA doesn't delete messages", I was more passive, but now that
the mail server I downloaded and my run for my home domain uses SA, I'll
probably be more active. :)


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