>       While I haven't done what you are looking for, I'd be
> most interested in any info you get off-list.  I am getting
> ready to embark on this same process for a customer and would
> love to have the dirty insight before I begin.

OK... While you might stumble across this on Bugzilla if you search for
exactly the right thing, I thought it might be helpful to post the
resolution here for those who are curious...

Essentially, you have to modify the Makefile.PL, moving some definitions
from the postamble section to the constants section. I've commented my
code changes for those who want to see what's different and uploaded the
file to bugzilla. Note that this is specifically for SA 2.63 and I
tested only with ActivePerl and, both of which could
make and install SA with these changes.

See it here:



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