
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:51:12 +0000 "Spyros Tsiolis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello list !
> I am kinda new here chaps, so please bare with me.
> A simple question (which I didn't pose on the xmail forum in case I
> get flamed/cursed) :-)

This list is usually civil, probably the most polite of any of the
anti-spam lists I'm on. Don't suggest that SpamAssassin should delete
mail automatically and you'll be fine. :)

> From what it seems, one must let spamassassin know of what to filter
> as spam mail; So far so good.

Just pipe mail through SpamAssassin and SA will analyze and tag it. If
you're using the Bayesian analyzer, you should train it with sa-learn
using spam and non-spam (ham) messages that you've manually verified and
sorted. SA will learn automatically but autolearning is cautious and
therefore slow.

> It also looks like one has to invoke a special format of expressions 
> (regex's?)
> to the .cf file living under /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf

Only if you need custom rules. See 'perldoc -U Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf'
for the official documentation.

> Would anyone out there bother giving me a real-world example for a simple
> spam mail message ?
> It would help me if I could have a look on the filter expression and the 
> actuall
> mail, so I could (probably) create something relevant.
> Any ideas ??

There are a few rule writing guides available:


http://www.intuitive.com/spam-assassin-rule-help.html (roughly the same
material but a little easier to read)

You'll find a lot of custom rules and rule-writing guidance on
http://www.exit0.us, too.


-- Bob

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