Hello Chris,

Tuesday, January 20, 2004, 2:41:38 PM, you wrote:

CS> I'm not sure where the post is, but about 3 weeks ago I think Dallas
CS> put a semi-end to the spell-checker debate :) He ran one and the
CS> outcome wasn't so good.

Agreed -- we have too many lazy or careles corespondents ;-) for
general spell-checking to do much good. Jennifer and I have been battling
this with her new rule set and my dozens of lazy people who can't be
bothered to put a space after a period before a new sentence.

However, approximation technology, which identifies key words (such as
found in antidrug), and tests for near-matches, can be beneficial.

I have a number of rules which test for obfuscation of valid words. I've
seen valid email go by with the V-word in it, but ONLY spam with an
obfuscated V-word. Sex is discussed all the time, but
> /\b(?!sex)s\.?e\.?x\b/i
has appeared only in spam.

I see similar benefits to the approximation approach. I hace my dingres
ceossrd (how many perplr try typing wirh their dingres ceossrd?).

Bob Menschel

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