Read it and weep. :(
Next question, how was it sent? The Received headers look relatively
legit, so was this sent from a trojaned AOL user?
I have *got* to implement that fuzzy matching algorithm.
--- Begin Message ---
How Vigras works. And you can better understand, what Vigras can do for you. If you
are sensible about your health, reflect on what you can do for your seual health, to
keep the chances that you will need Vigras as low as possible. requisite revolts
cohered, scoped.
Inrease Seks Drive
Bost Seual Performance
Fuller & Harder Erecions
Inrease Stamna & Endurance
Quicker Rechages
suspends accepts Raleigh, kindly. exhaustion regulators rancid, splashing.
Happy holidays,
--- End Message ---