That's just it, one person says run them all on the same machine, you say
keep'm separate..  I'm more incline to keep's separate for simplicity
sake...  Who the heck knows..

Thanks, Billy

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Lambert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Billy Huddleston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Load Balancing: Was Bayes NFS safe?

> Spamd servers and SMTP servers have very different requirements.
> A SMTP server needs lots of disk I/O and not so much CPU.
> A spamd server needs very little disk I/O and gobs and gobs of CPU and
> I run spamc from the global procmailrc.  That's on the *one* delivery
> SMTP server.  I run four spamd servers that are nothing more than the
> fastest, cheapest, CPUs with lots of RAM that I had.  I don't want
> anything competing with spamd for RAM or CPU.  I still have a few
> messages slip through due to the spamd servers not being able to handle
> the load during spikes.
> While the spamd servers are overwhelmed, the spamc and procmail
> processes stack up a bit on the SMTP server taking much more RAM than
> would otherwise be required to just deliver the messages without
> scanning them.  That is the time when the spamd process needs all the
> RAM it can get.  I don't think having them both on the same system is a
> good idea for any but the most lightly loaded systems.
> -- 
> Scott Lambert                    KC5MLE                       Unix

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