--On Friday, January 16, 2004 12:13 PM -0600 Carl Chipman

> For the new people on the list, I was wondering what the following
> acronyms mean:

LART = Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool.  It can be used as a noun (in
  which case it's something that hopefully causes the victim to
  re-evaluate their opinions by means of a short sharp shock) or a verb
  (in which case it means to apply a short sharp shock).  Most often used
  as a euphemism for sending complaints to an ISP, as in "I've just
  LART-ed that spammer".


Unsolicited Bulk e-mail
Unsolicited Commercial e-mail

This is a widely argued topic - short version, IMHO, is UBE = I send 100 of
my friends a e-mail warning them of a new virus = UBE.

I send 100 strangers a link to my website to buy my widgets = UCE.

> Are the acronoyms in the FAQ?

Probably not in the SpamAssassin FAQ, however a yahoo search of "What is a
LART" comes up with a good link:



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