On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:58:52PM +0100, Quinn Comendant wrote:
> 1. Is it possible to run sa-learn to update all DBs en masse?

as root "su - -c 'sa-learn ...'" ?

> 2. Or should I simply upgrade to 2.61 and ignore the --import and --
> rebuild instructions. I assume this will delete all user's Bayes DB files.

no, it won't delete the dbs.  --import isn't necessary if you were using
DB_File before.  --rebuild isn't necessary at all, but without it the
first bayes write will take some time as the db gets updated.

both are suggested all the time as tests to make sure things work,
but if you don't care about the testing then you don't need to do them. :)

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