[* Here's our official response.  My personal comments are below. - dan

Habeas, the leading provider of emailer reputation services, has
recently come under attack from an as yet unidentified spammer. The
spammer is illegally utilizing the Habeas Warrant Mark in emails which
are promoting websites such as pharmawharehouse.biz, pharmacourt.biz and
valuepointmeds.biz which are sites promoting or selling prescription
drugs. The attack began on Sunday January 11, 2004 at about 11am PT.

Habeas is aggressively pursuing this incident to stop this illegal
mailstream and to utilize the Habeas legal tools at our disposal to
punish the responsible spammer for copyright and trademark violation. We
are tracking down the identity of the spammer for further action.

"This is a blatant and unacceptable misuse of the Habeas Warrant Mark -
it will not go unaddressed. We've stopped spammers before and now we'll
do it again." said Des Cahill, Habeas CEO. "It is interesting that this
spam attack appears to be  originating from a distributed set of zombie
cable/DSL modems that someone likely took over in a past virus attack.
It just illustrates the lengths the spammers will go to, including
taking on Habeas' proven legal capabilities, to distribute their spam.
We are very pleased with the timeliness and volume of spam reports we've
received regarding this incident: it affirms that the Habeas system is
working and our mail community support remains strong. This spammer has
made a poor choice in infringing the Habeas Warrant Mark."

Habeas has begun systematically adding the IP addresses of the hundreds
of compromised personal computers sending this spam to the Habeas
Infringers List (HIL). Access to the HIL (aka Habeas Blacklist) is free
with details available at http://www.habeas.com/supportBlackList.html.
All recent versions of SpamAssassin configured with network checks "on"
automatically query the HIL when receiving an email containing the
Habeas Warrant Mark. Adding the IP addresses to the HIL should not
impact the legitimate mailing activities of the owners of the zombie
cable/DSL modems.


[* On a personal note, I'd like to thank everyone on this list for their
calm, reasoned discussion of the attack and the impact on Habeas and
SpamAssassin.  While it may be flattering that we've had enough of an
impact do be attacked, we are aware of the inconvenience this has caused
and understand that we must respond quickly and aggressively to maintain
our credibility.

One question on the list was regarding reporting.  Please note that we
do need your spam reports in order to identify the zombie senders and
add them to the HIL.  If you have confidential info in a header (such as
Delivered-To:), please just replace the field body with "[elided]" so we
know that it is not the complete original.  Habeas would never publish
the emails on the web where they could be spidered, but the emails (or a
subset) will likely wind up as an exhibit in our lawsuit, which would
eventually be public info.

I am an avid user of (and even occasional contributor to) SpamAssassin,
and helped create Habeas in a way that would be complementary to what
SpamAssassin does. (By helping eliminate false positives, we can tighten
thresholds and catch more false negatives.)  We greatly appreciate the
continued support from the SpamAssassin developer, administrator, and
user communities.  - dan *]

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