>  I am curious, has anyone discussed the feasability of checking for spelling 
> errors? I get some emails where at least 75% of the words in the body are 
> mis-spelled to throw the spam detectors. 

funny, I was just thinking the same thing.  However, you run into issues
with non-english email (no way to guarantee that if a server is in the
US that all of its users send english-only email), and here I'm counting
programming languages as non-english.  I often mail code around to
friends/clients/whatever, and I can guarantee that more than 75% of it
would set off a spell checker.

Chris Petersen
Programmer / Web Designer 
Silicon Mechanics:  http://www.siliconmechanics.com/
Blade Servers:      http://www.siliconmechanics.com/c292/blade-server.php
1U Servers:         http://www.siliconmechanics.com/c272/1u-server.php

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