Hrm, must have been ignored because it didn't say "Habeas" in the subject 
line.  I'd love an opinion or two as to whether or not the problem I've 
outlined below is something to be concerned about which merits further 
testing or not.


Hi all,

I did check the archives for the answer to this one, but the keywords involved 
are vague enough that it may have been  answered and I couldn't find it.

A message arrived the other day that when it was processed by spamd was logged 
in /var/log/messages instead of /var/log/maillog (like all other mail 
processed by spamd.)  The message in question contained a high volume of 
control characters in the headers, including Message-ID.  The resulting 
output was:

Jan 9 14:39:23 tachi xïc\202^A^_0Â`\202^A^[\204/ for onramp:10010.
in /var/log/messages.  The message was Spam and I have a copy, if anyone is 
interested.  I'm not sure if this is a spamd issue or a syslog issue, or both 
(or neither, for that matter.)  I'm primarily interested in being sure that 
this does pose some sort of security threat, as it does look like a message 
was able to trigger unexpected spamd behaviour.

SpamAssassin 2.61
Redhat 9
spamd running with flags:  -d -c -x -P -Q -H -a

Onramp Network Services Inc.

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