Sorry if this caused any confusion...

- I sent this to spamassassin as it pertains to spam and perhaps my spamassassin 
installation might have been related to it. My bad!

- Things got clearer now. I wasn't the one with spam or sending spam but someone from 
one of my mailing lists: [clamav-users] might have been considered by someone as spam 
sender. And as I have been part of a thread there with my website in all of my mails, 
it was mistaken for a spam site.

Sorry again for this confusion.

Thanks for understanding.


fritz <>
+ Basta Ikaw Lord

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Kettler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:20 PM
To: Fritz Mesedilla; Spamassassin-Talk
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] problems with spamcop

At 12:50 PM 1/13/04 +0800, Fritz Mesedilla wrote:
>How come I got this message from spamcop that I am sending spam?
>Based on the Mail relay test on, I am clean.
>Besides, I am protected by amavisd-new,clamav, and spamassassin.

  the report, if you were to read it, does not state that you are sending 

It alleges that a link to your website,, was contained in 
a spam message.

Not to be rude, but this is really a spamcop issue, and has little to do 
with SA, and CLEARLY has nothing to do with clamav. (why on earth did you 
post this to clamav-users???) Perhaps you should spend some time reading 
the report you got.

If you go to the report link there's a method for sending an email to the 
user that reported you. Perhaps you can ask for a copy of the spam, or some 
explanation of what's going on.

It could be something a simple (or stupid) as someone deciding that their 
old email address is a spamtrap, but forgot to unsubscribe it from a a 
mailing list you post to. You seem to use links to that website in messages 
you post to multiple mailing lists. (personally I give this a 90% chance of 
being the case)

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