Another idea that would work really well at the coding level: The latest flavor of spam seems to be 'letter doubling'. Ie. Lowwestt instead of lowest, etc, etc.
This form of obfuscation essentially creates a spelling error variant on every rule we have out there. What would work really well, from a coding and rule creation standpoint is if we could have SA 'code' each rule like this: Rule: BODY RULENAME /a string/i Coded Rule: BODY RULENAME /a{1,3} s{1,3}t{1,3}r{1,3}i{1,3}n{1,3}g{1,3}/i You get the idea. This could be quite burdensome to implement manually, but an easy enough thing to automate 'behind the scenes'. - Charles ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials. Become an expert in LINUX or just sharpen your skills. Sign up for IBM's Free Linux Tutorials. Learn everything from the bash shell to sys admin. Click now! _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]