Can anyone tell me how to use the --remove-markup command in SA? I have a whole folder of spam and I'd like to remove the SA markups so that I can use this with sa-learn (next time my bayes DB goes awol..)
As a part of this thread that was overlooked by all participants:
You do NOT need to remove SpamAssassin markups before running mail through sa-learn.
sa-learn is a part of the spamassassin toolkit, and is inherently aware of spamassassin's own markups. No special treatment needed. See the FAQ.
However, any other markups you might need to strip, or use bayes_ignore_header statements. (ie: MailScanner users need this because MailScanner uses different header names to stuff SA tagging info into).
However, if you still feel the need for the --remove-markup command...
First, you need an RFC 822 file with a single email in it, not a mbox.
Then do
spamassassin --remove-markup < marked-spam.txt >unmarked-spam.txt
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