In addition to the body rules I offered earlier today, here are some URI
rules that look as if they would be beneficial in the distribution set.

Please look over and test the following rules, and let me know if they
work for you.

Use your own scoring -- my scores tend to be high, since I use a 9.0 spam
threshold. With a 5.0 threshold you may want to cut my scores in half.

Note: I've tried to include only URIs that have been in use for a while.
There are several that meet my submission criteria in this last mass
check run of mine, but are "new" entries, without enough history to know
whether the URIs will stick around.

uri       RM_u_dealsbythemin     /dealsby(?:the)?(?:minute|hour)\.biz/i
describe  RM_u_dealsbythemin     text references known spammer
score     RM_u_dealsbythemin     9.000  # 93 spam, 0 ham, Sep 7 2003; 188s/0h of 39283 
corpus; 188s/0h of 74869 corpus

uri       RM_u_defaultN          /\/default\d{1,5}\.htm/i
describe  RM_u_defaultN          text points to sequentially numbered "default" page
score     RM_u_defaultN          3.000  # 891s/2h of 68055 corpus, 1151s/2h of 74869 
                                        # ham: 1999 (1), 2003: in email

uri       RM_u_ehostzzz          /ehostzzz\.net/i
describe  RM_u_ehostzzz          body contains link to known spammer
score     RM_u_ehostzzz          9.000  # 454s/0h of 74869 corpus

uri       RM_u_hostingprod       /hostingprod\.com/i
describe  RM_u_hostingprod       text references known spammer
score     RM_u_hostingprod       9.000  # 143s/0h of 68055 corpus; 145s/0h of 74869 

uri       RM_u_nomore            /\/nomore\.htm/i
describe  RM_u_nomore            text includes pointer to spammer unsubscribe link
score     RM_u_nomore            6.000  # 762s/0h of 68055 corpus; 1022s/0h of 74869 

uri       RM_u_OfferClicks       /OfferClicks\.com/i
describe  RM_u_OfferClicks       text references known spammer
score     RM_u_OfferClicks       9.000  # 505s/0h of 68055 corpus; 568s/0h of 74869 

uri       RM_u_SildenafilGif     /\/gv1.gif/i
describe  RM_u_SildenafilGif     text contains link to Sildenafil graphic
score     RM_u_SildenafilGif     9.000  # 875s/0h of 68055 corpus; 878s/0h of 74869 

Bob Menschel

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