it's still a pain to block them at the gateway.  i spent about 4 hours
chucking in numbers into iptables and still they came in.  i found out it
was this stupid new remote access trojan that acts as spam relays.  i turned
on and havn't looked back since.  had about a week where i
watch mail being blocked and chucked about 6 australian isps into the
/etc/mail/access file and nobody has complained since....    we can use our
email link again for surfing again which we couldn't before.  i had about
15-20 idiots sending me random email addresses at our domain.  goodness
knows what that proves, except perhaps to bounce back to someone else as

goto - they are the business...    

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 12:49 AM
To: 'Scott Williams'; Spamassassin-List
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Spammer causing Denial Of Service


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Scott Williams
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 11:10 PM
> To: Scott Williams
> Cc: Spamassassin-List
> Subject: [SAtalk] Spammer causing Denial Of Service
> I was looking at the SA logs and noticed how a spammer would 
> open up multiple sessions all to one target address. He 
> opened 15 sessions in 10 seconds and proceded to hold them 
> for 5 minutes until I timed out on the connections. So for 5 
> minutes my filter was essentially rendered useless since I 
> limit it to 15 simultaneous connections due to hardware limitations.
> Has anyone else seen this?  What would be the best solution 
> to combat this?

I've seen this before.  I'm not sure if it is malicious, or they are 
just trying 30 different email address all at the same time.  I just
block them at the router/gateway level on a per IP basis.


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