Is it possible to configure spamassassin tokenizer to ignore non-word
characters (ignoring all non-words may not be a good idea)? My bayes_toks
has grown quite a lot, and in the future it might become too large due to
garbage entries like H*F:U*eg1ezjrqb (then again, I understand that even
entries like that may be good in spotting virii and other unwanted e-mail)

My bayes_toks is now 5 MB large, and the mail server running spamassassin
is a 90 MHz Pentium with 64 MB RAM (very heavily loaded already).

Results of running 'sa-learn --dump' are available from, if someone is willing to look at it
(warning: it is 613 KB large)

# Edvard Majakari               Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available      Soli Deo Gloria!

$_ = '456476617264204d616a616b6172692c20612043687269737469616e20'; print
join('',map{chr hex}(split/(\w{2})/)),uc substr(crypt(60281449,'es'),2,4),"\n";

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