
I've been using auto whitelist for a while now, but today while doing some
experimentation I'm wondering if the explicit (auto) white listing feature
is working at all (version 2.61)? I'm also unsure of the exact syntax for
explicitly (auto) white listing an address.

I begin by trying to dump the auto whitelist database using the
check_whitelist command located in the SA tools directory.

% tools/check_whitelist | sort +0n -1 | less

outputs lines such as the following:

   -20.2       (-20.2/1)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=205.206
   -20.2       (-20.2/1)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=205.206
   -18.6       (-18.6/1)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=205.206
   -18.6       (-18.6/1)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=205.206
   -18.0       (-18.0/1)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=205.206
   -17.8       (-17.8/2)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=64.4
   -16.5      (-16.5/11)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=64.4
    -9.5        (-9.5/1)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=127.0
    -9.5        (-9.5/3)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=127.0

The lines above have the smallest values in the database, and therefore as I
understand it would add the stated negative score to the total.

Question: where are the entries that I tried to explicitly add?
Does check_whitelist skip over them?

I tried the following:
% spamassassin --add-addr-to-whitelist '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
and then dumped the database again in sorted score order, but there
was bascially no change in where the named address showed up:

     1.8         (1.8/5)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=216.60

with the 1.8 weight it is still looking a little bit spammy.

Question: will -add-addr-to-whitelist accept the ip address syntax
shown in check_whitelist above? Stated differently, if I know the
IP address how do I enter it with the --add-addr-to-whitelist switch?

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