> Is it possible to generate, say, daily and weekly reports of spamassains
> statistices? If so, where are teh logfiles stored?
> And does anyone have sample scripts to start from?
I use a FreeBSD system, and I dropped the following Perl script into my
/etc/periodic/daily/ directory. It could be groovier but it works.

#! /usr/bin/perl

open (BLAH, "zcat /var/log/maillog.0.gz|");
while (<BLAH>) {
        if(/identified spam/) {
        } elsif(/clean message/) {
        } elsif(/max-children/) {
close (BLAH);

$total = $spam + $ham + $max;

$perspam = (int(($spam / $total) * 10000) / 100);

print "Spam statistics:\n";
print "SPAM: $spam\nHAM: $ham\nMAX-CHILDREN: $max\nTOTAL: $total\nPERCENT
SPAM: $perspam\n";

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