Yes, I did get it to work.

I used as a basis the HOWTO at

I really only wanted SA, but that HOWTO includes SA and ClamAV, so in order to get SA working, I had to install ClamAV - funny how that works sometimes...

Bottom line is that with the qmail-scanner perl program in place at /var/qmail/bin/, and the environment variable set in /etc/tcp.smtp (you can supposedly put it in your supervise/qmail-smtpd/run - but that didn't work for me), and now it's working great. The modified bin/qmail-queue.orig never did work again.

So, here's my /etc/tcp.smtpd (well, the first line only, other lines changed to protect the innocent):
{bin]# cat /etc/tcp.smtp

Note that a lot of google search results out there refer to requiring the "Bruce Guenter's QMAILQUEUE patch"; i built qmail from qmail-sql-1.03 source, and it must have Burce's patch in there already, because I didn't do anything special to get Bruce's patch in there.

Best regards, and let me know how it goes.


Asif Iqbal wrote:

Hi Dave

Have you ever got any answer on this ? I am trying to use spamc/spamd with qmail
as well

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, David wrote:

Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 14:10:14 -0700
Subject: [SAtalk] Spamassassin with qmail and dotqmails sending blank

I'm using Michael Devogelaere's qmail-sql qmail server for several
domains.  Prior to implementing spamassassin, dotqmails was working fine.

Now that spamassassin is running via the qmail
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue shell script:
    spamc | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue.orig

any message that is sent to a dotqmail (which in sendmail terms is the
same as an /etc/alias entry), is delivered to the recipient with
everything blank - no subject, no message body, no nothing.

Can anybody please advise on corrective action?

Thank you,
PS:  reposted with the subject spelled a little more slowly.  don't
reply to the original post, cuz nobody will ever find it with google.

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